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Web of Science (WoS) & EndNote Tools & Tricks
You can create a personal account for Web of Science roaming access from anywhere.
General Searching in WoS
Watch the tutorial on how to search the entire WoS Core Collection, using the ‘All Fields’ search option. You are able to combine key terms, author names, funder details and more in a single search box. This allows you to focus more on the results list, instead of the search query.
Additionally, in the WoS Core Collection, you can search for:
- Science journals, conference papers, and books (with journals back to 1900) - Includes physics, chemistry, atmospheric science, and 175 other science and technology fields
- Social science journals, conference papers, and books - Includes economics, management, environmental studies, green science, and 55 other social science fields
- Emerging sources - Extends coverage to newly established journals and those not yet internationally recognized, such as Acta Geochimica
- Chemical reactions - Includes two databases specially designed to search by chemical structure or reaction parameters
You also quickly search topics using the WoS Quick Search Google Chrome extension, you can search topics from over one billion cited references within the Web of Science database. To add the extension, go to your Google Chrome settings in your browser and select extensions. At the top of the screen, enter “Web of Science - Quick Search” in the search box and then select “Add”. You should now see the Clarivate Analytics’™ (producer of WoS) logo at the top right of your Chrome browser.
WoS & EndNote Features
WoS citation report provides citation statistics for a set of search results, including h-index, total times cited (with and without self-cites), cites per year, and more. Analyze results helps you examine countries, organizations, journals, and more for a group of papers. Analyze results helps you answer questions such as:
- What researchers in China have cited my work?
- In which journals are my publications cited the most?
- Which organizations are funding my area of research?
In order to organize your research, EndNote allows you to create personal reference/citation databases, provide print and output formats for supported publishers and journals, and search online databases and download citations. View some of the Clarivate videos below, in addition to the 90-minute July 14, 2020 recorded EndNote Webex training presented by NOAA Central Library.
Web of Science Intermediate Skills
Webinar Handout
Discover Trends Using Analyze Results
How to Use EndNote in 6 Minutes: Windows
More videos: EndNote Training YT playlist.
Easily Export Several WoS Citations into Existing Citation List Using HTML & EndNote Formatting
- Export existing citations to an EndNote library
- Create email alert for all new citations
- Choose EndNote formatting for the alert for simple import of the new citations into EndNote
- Write custom EndNote HTML code that automatically adds HTML tags to the new citations (see the image)
This screenshot shows sample HTML coding for exporting citations into an EndNote library that has been taken from NOAA PSL's Century Reanalysis Project, a joint effort with CIRES to produce a comprehensive global atmospheric circulation dataset spanning the entire 20th century.