Knowledge Base Docs
Access Online Resources Beyond Library Subscriptions
Beyond subscriptions to eResources, the library provides ways for you to get access to online resources, including pay-per-view, open access tools, and interlibrary loan.
Pay-per-view (PPV), pre-paid transactions by the library, allow you to immediately access full text for our NOAA and NTIA customers. There is no limitation on PPV use by these customers. PPV is available for publications the library doesn’t have subscriptions for through these publishers:
Elsevier (ScienceDirect) PPV: Above the article title, click on Get Access then Download PDF (1). You will need to log in with your Elsevier account (2). Then click on Continue for the PPV use confirmation (3).
Wiley PPV: When you click on the PDF link, a box will appear. Simply click on Use Token to access the PDF. Articles that PPV is available for will have a green Token Access icon above their title.
Taylor & Francis: Click on 1) "View Full Text", 2) "Get Access" under the article title, 3) then on the new screen that appears, click on "View". Finally, the article will have "Full Text" highlighted to indicate the full article has been accessed.

ACS (American Chemical Society): no special actions needed to redeem
Open Access Tools: There are many Open Access (OA) versions of article available from publishers, ArXiv, university institutional repositories, and more. To easily find these versions, look at the EndNote Click Chrome extension or the Unpaywall Chrome/Firefox extension.
Interlibrary Loan: The library can obtain electronic copies of articles, book chapters, and more from other libraries worldwide at no cost to you. Interlibrary Loan requests are typically filled within 2 business days or less. Watch the video below to learn how to help streamline your item's delivery.